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Fully Integrated Leadership

Sep 25, 2023

What happens when we let go of the traditional belief that "I" am somehow in the body or the mind? What happens when we let go of the idea that we are here to develop and instead see that we are here to remember? 

Sep 14, 2023

Once we relax the body, we notice the randomness of the mind. We see how it grabs onto thoughts, sensations, sounds, memories, etc. We can relax the mind and notice the open space of awareness that we are.

Sep 11, 2023

How we live our life is determined, in many ways, on how we answer two vital questions:

  1. Who or what am I? Am I simply a body-mind, separate from other body-minds? Or, am I awareness, appearing as a body-mind and deeply connected to others?
  2. What is the nature of reality? Am I subject ineracting with a world of objects?...